Wireless motion detector with a photo camera to verify alarms.
Combined special optics with a software filter for false alarms in motion detectors. Along with a professional installation, it gives high detection accuracy
The pattern of the Fresnel lens sections is designed so that the diagrams of the infrared radiation of a human, an animal, and thermal noise have significant differences. Large sections of the lens capture radiation at the level of the head and torso of an adult. Smaller sections make the diagram more detailed. The MotionCam Jeweller lens provides the detector with accurate information about the thermal object in the detection zone and the nature of its movement
The detector instantly analyzes the thermal diagram from the sensor: the infrared radiation intensity, the heat spot size, the motion speed, the time spent in the detection zone, and other parameters.
Ajax engineers have analyzed thousands of IR sensor triggerings caused by humans, animals, and thermal interference and developed SmartDetect. The software algorithm finds false alarm markers instantly and with high accuracy. As a result, the detector accurately responds to a human and does not bother the user with false alarms
Wireless motion detector that notifies the owner of the first signs of home or office intrusion. The detector is fastened to the wall in front of the doors and other places likely of intruder entry The device detects human presence by IR level using a passive IR sensor. The data received is digitally processed in order to prevent false alarms.
Features include authentication to prevent forgery, jamming detection and communication channels encryption and tampering alarms
Narrow beam indoor motion detector. Protects windows, doors, and valuables
With the MotionProtect Curtain detectors, you can secure the perimeter of your house and freely move indoors. If a stranger breaks in, the system will raise an alarm
MotionCam Outdoor is equipped with two independent PIR sensors, the signals of which are analyzed by a two-step LISA algorithm. When both sensors detect motion, LISA performs correlation and spectral analysis of the signals, which help to instantly distinguish real threats from interferences.